Copyright 2000 by
Charles Adrian Trevino

Brief Narrative
Included - Free!
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Hello, and welcome to the FREE SONG PAGE:  another free song from good ol' Charlesy Warlsey!  Note to all web surfers:  WATCH YOURSELVES!

This is a song from my 2000 (attempted) release, "Classic Case Of The Blues" which nobody bought (it is in the process of being re-mixed for another attempted release - watch for it on!) and who can blame them?  I was asking people to send a check for $10, wait 8 or 12 months for delivery, and enjoy a hastily produced, admittedly very "unpolished" homemade CD.  Boy, did I learn a lesson from that experience, the hard way!  However, having learned the ropes and ins and outs of independent producing, I have decided to give you all another chance.  "Classic Case Of The Blues" is soon to rise from the ashes, re-mixed, EQ'ed better, and with additional tracks added.  How's that for perseverance?

This song, "FALSE ALARM," commemorates a shockingly cold-blooded mass-murder of thousands of innocent U.S. citizens which, judging by an overwhelming preponderance of evidence, appears to have been carried out by a small, not-so-innocent country (which was brutally and murderously wrested from its original inhabitants by some secret and not-so-secret powers that, unfortunately, still be), a country that has somehow managed to beat the politicians of our and other country's governments into a cringing state of submission while manipulating media channels to such an extent that some of the abettors of the aforementioned mass-murder were protected, absolved, and then effortlessly whisked out of this country with relatively few people even hearing about it.  This mass-murder was then blamed on a "terrorist" (who, in my estimation, stood an embarrassingly high distance above the true perpetrators, aiders and abettors of this mass-murder in terms of nobility of character and courage) and was used as an excuse to invade the "evil" country that was harboring him.  For reasons that were never made clear by our media, "we" then (illegally) proceeded to  (1)  invade and "liberate" a certain oil-rich country from its allegedly incarnately evil leader, bombing its cities and infrastructure, desecrating and destroying its centuries-old temples (some of which were used as headquarters for our honorable military leaders) and starting a factional war of such violent severity that anyone who could afford to fled for their lives to any haven that would accept them;  (2)  instigate a series of profitable wars in other countries which have, to date, killed millions of formerly non-antagonistic innocent people and displaced millions more to any haven that grants them asylum, while plunging said non-provoking countries into a state of eternal night;  (3)  strongly and blatantly goad easily-duped citizens of this country who possess alarmingly questionable intelligence quotients into "patriotic" acts which include ostricizing, harrassing, intimidating, and beating (sometimes to death) any inhabitant of this country who even remotely resembles a "terrorist" (these "patriotic" acts are still occurring to this very day, under the auspices of people who seem to be too ignoble to know the meaning of shame);  (4)  drive up our country's military budget (read "debt") to astronomical proportions in order to protect "ourselves" from all those evil aggressors who want to kill us (for some strange reason), enriching and further empowering some hell-bound (but they don't know it yet, heh-heh) war profiteers that give the human race a very bad name, while  (4a)  simultaneously dealing a death blow to any attempts at de-escalating an insane arms race that is robbing most of the innocent peoples of this world of their monies, while enriching a relative handful of other peoples.  I could continue on and on (and on), but this paragraph is getting kind of long...

Not to worry, however; all the above-mentioned noble deeds were done in the name of honor, glory and vindication (anybody remember that good ol' patriotic "Now It's Our Turn?" slogan which our media was displaying all over the place?  You know, the one that featured the Israeli and U.S. flags standing side-by-side?  Shit, gimme' a break you guys...).

Well, now it's my turn!  To exercise my rapidly disintegrating constitutional right to bring you another short reminder of our growing helplessness in the face of overpowering deceit, betrayal and intimidation.  Consider yourselves lucky, this is only a three and a-half minute musical lecture (some of my oral lectures run three and a-half hours!)  This "alarming" reminder is meant to serve as a memorial of gross media manipulation and duplicity, not-so-subliminal brainwashing, fear, hate and Shock & Awe war-mongering, skyrocketing murderous-military budgets, absurdist illegal war justification, Godless war profiteering, abrogation of civil rights that were earned by shoeless revolutionaries marching through freezing snow (and before morphine was readily available), enactment of disgusting and intrusive surveillance laws written by Yale-educated "patriots" who have been elevated to high positions on supremely crucial courts of "justice," annihilation of the Geneva Convention, and authorization of overseas detention centers where foreign taxi cab drivers (also you and me, people) can conveniently be held indefinitely and tortured by disgusting, sadistically and criminally insane goons (since we're such dire threats to truth, justice and all that good stuff).


Still want to listen to this song?  Ok, then just click the little link below and it will magically appear for your listening pleasure... if it doesn't get blocked.  Hope you enjoy this little musical offering; I tried to make it as evocative as I could, but since I've never actually been there, well...  you know how it is.

Click Here To Listen To   FALSE ALARM


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Text and "False Alarm" sound recording Copyright 2001, 2019 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   All readers are heartily encouraged to study the U.S. Constitution and use it to keep themselves and their loved ones from bondage and annihilation.   This is